
The Great Wall of china


   The Great Wall is collectively referred to ancient China at different times to resist the Union invasion of Saibei nomads and built a vast scale military project. The Great Wall thing stretching over tens of thousands of li, also known as the Great Wall. The existing ruins of the Great Wall was built in the 14th century Ming Dynasty Great Wall, west of Jiayuguan, east of Liaodong Tiger Mountain. According to the 2012 National Heritage Board released data, the total length of the ancient Great Wall to 21196.18 km; the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2009, survey data of the Ming Great Wall, the Ming Great Wall, China has a total length of 8851.8 km. Great Wall is a great miracle created by the working people of ancient China, is the witness of history. Tiananmen Square, the Terracotta Army, the world as a symbol of China's. Meanwhile, the Great Wall in December 1987 as a World Heritage Site.


Spring and Autumn Period, countries princes to defense invasion of other countries, build beacon towers, and walls connected together to form the earliest of the Great Wall. Later kings almost all reinforcement and upgrading the Great Wall. Due to up to tens of thousands of years, it is also called the "Great Wall". According to records, the emperor of nearly one million workers to build the Great Wall, accounted for one twentieth of the total population. Did not have any machinery, all the labor by the manpower to complete the work environment, mountains, cliffs, deep valleys, very difficult. Great Wall was built in the Warring States period, history of 2,000 years, today referred to the Great Wall more than refer to the Ming Dynasty built the Great Wall. At all times who have been to the Great Wall all amazed the majestic momentum, grand scale and difficult works. The Great Wall is a rare treasures, extraordinary artistic heritage, a symbol of great will and strength of the Chinese nation impregnable forever, is the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the pride of the whole world.


"Because of the terrain, dangerous system." Is an important experience to build the Great Wall, has confirmed it in the emperor's time, followed by Sima Qian took it to write the Great Wall"Historical Records", after a dynasty built the Great Wall are in accordance with this principle. Guan City Pass is choose who built in the valley between two mountains, or rivers turning at or the Hirakawa exchanges must pass through, not only can control the strategically located and difficult, but also save manpower and materials to achieve the "man guards the pass , 10,000 Fumo open "effect. Build castles or beacon is choose the advantageous place. As for building a wall, take full advantage of the terrain, such as Pass, Badaling Great Wall is back built along the mountain, some sections from the walls of the outside looked very steep, and the inside have great gentle, easy to defend hard to attack "effect. The Liaodong town in the Ming Dynasty Great Wall in Liaoning called Shan insurance wall, hilltops wall, is the use of the cliff, a little cliff Pixiao about to become the Great Wall. There are some places take full advantage of the cliff cliffs, rivers and lakes as a natural barrier, can be said to be intricate. Great Wall, as a great project, a precious heritage of the Chinese nation.

