




 香港属亚热带气候,夏天炎热且潮湿,温度约在26~30之间;冬天凉爽而干燥,但很少会降至5以下。五月至九月间多雨,有时雨势颇大。夏秋之间,时有台风吹袭,七月至九月是香港的台风较多的季节。香港平均全年雨量2 214.3毫米,雨量最多月份是8月,雨量最少月份是1月。


  香港海洋公园是世界最大的海洋公园之一,占地 170英亩 拥有东南亚最 大的海洋水族馆及主题游乐园,凭山临海,旖旎多姿,是访港旅客最爱光顾的地方,不仅可以看到趣味十足的露天游乐场、海豚表演,还有千奇百怪的海洋鱼类、高耸入云的海洋摩天塔,更有惊险刺激的月矿飞车、极速之旅,堪称科普、观光、娱乐的完美组合。海洋公园内有太平洋海岸,洋溢着北美加州海岸的文化魅力和自然美景。在海涛奔腾、海岸嶙峋及宁静宜人的沙滩景致,也有训练有素的海狮和海豹迎接游人。
  香港海洋公园建筑分布于南朗山上及黄竹坑谷地。山上以海洋馆、海洋剧场、海涛馆、 机动游戏为主。山下则有水上乐园、花园剧场、金鱼馆及仿照历代文物所建的集古村,仿中国宫廷建筑,村内有亭台楼阁、庙宇街景,反映中国 历史风貌,使中国古代街景重现,并有民间艺术表演。由中央政府赠送的大熊猫安安和佳佳,深受广大市民欢迎。2007年香港回归十周年时中央人民政府赠送给 香港的大熊猫盈盈和乐乐都在香港 海洋公园内。
  香港迪士尼乐园是全球第五个迪士尼乐园,位于大屿山的欣澳,环抱山峦,与南中国海遥遥相望,是 一座融合了美国加州迪斯尼乐园及其他迪士尼乐园特色于一体的主题公园。
  香港迪斯尼乐园包括四个主题区:美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界、明日世界。每个主题区都能 给游客带来无尽的奇妙体验。在美国小镇大街,可以乘坐迪士尼火车到幻想世界,欣赏美国街市的怀旧建筑,各款典雅的古董车,品尝各种中西佳肴美食;探险世界里,沿着一条条巨大的河流,穿过非洲大草原,进入亚洲神秘森林,到达泰山小岛,勇敢的领航员会带领游客探索大自然的神奇密境;充满欢乐的幻想世界,是梦幻中的童话世界,美丽善良的白雪公主、纯真活泼的小飞象、天真可爱的小熊维尼,每一个童话中的主角都能给人带来欢乐和幻想;明日世界可以让人体验太空惊险之旅,探索宇宙。
  乐园内设有香港迪士尼乐园酒店和迪士尼好莱坞酒店,除了为访问乐园提供住宿方便,身在其中可尽 情体验童话世界和电影世界的奇趣,各种迪士尼人物随时会出现在游客身边,惊喜无处不在。


  香港岛上的文武庙、铜锣湾天后庙、圣约翰大教堂;九龙的黄大仙祠 墓、侯王庙、慈 云山观音庙、九龙清真寺;沙田的万佛寺、车公庙、蓬瀛仙馆、半园春、道风山基督教堂;荃湾的竹林禅院、东普陀 、荃湾天后庙;龙门的青山寺、青松观、妙法寺;元朗的灵渡寺、云浮仙观;西贡的佛堂天后庙、蚝涌车公庙以及大屿山宝莲寺、长洲北帝庙、坪州天后庙等。
  九龙的九龙城寨、宋城、宋王台、李郑屋古墓;屯门的 宋帝岩、红楼、沙田的曾大屋、五国六村;荃湾的三栋屋、海坎村屋;元朗新田大夫第、锦田吉庆围、水头村古迹、聚星 楼、厦村邓氏宗祠;西贡上窑民俗博物馆等;港岛炮台及大屿山东涌炮台、东龙岛佛堂等旧炮台。
   香港文化博物馆、屏山邓族文物馆 、三栋屋博物馆、上窰民俗文物馆、香港电影资料馆、香港艺术馆、茶具文物馆、香港历史博物馆、罗屋民俗馆、李郑屋汉墓博物馆、香港海防博物馆、香港科学 馆、香港太空馆、香港太空馆、香港视觉艺术中心、香港文物探知馆、孙中山纪念馆、葛量洪号灭火轮展览馆。

  海岸公园之中,比较著名的是东平洲海岸公园,该处有多样化的海洋生态,遍布茂密的珊瑚群落,有 超过六十种石珊瑚,同时有超过一百三十种珊瑚鱼类及超过一百种海洋无脊椎动物。在海洋植物方面,东平洲海岸公园有四十多种海藻。在其沿岸地带,长满棕色、红色及绿色的海藻床,是香港海藻床之冠。该公园海水清澈,肉眼可以清晰看到水下的珊瑚和鱼类。
  香港的旧八景为:旗山星火、仙桥雾锁、赤柱朝曦、鸭洲帆影、宋台怀古、扶林曲径、浪湾水软、鲤 鱼夜月。随着时代的变迁,旧八景的景点已有三处完全改观,而其它一些景点也渐显陈旧。现在的香港八景是:
  (1)“旗山星火,乃八景中之首景,它与历代八景中的香江灯火飞桥夜瞰均指从太平 山顶观看夜色中的港岛如群星满天的万家灯火之瑰丽景色。
  (2)“赤柱晨曦,指每当晨曦初上,旭日东升之时,沐浴在万道霞光中的赤柱半岛,殷红如赤。 此景又称赤柱朝阳赤柱朝曦
  (7)“残堞斜阳,指九龙城寨的残垣断堞、在如血斜阳余晖中的景色,由于近年九龙城寨已彻底 清拆,这一景色也成为历史,取而代之的是九龙寨城公园(园林整最)。
  (8)“宋台怀古,指在香港启德国际机场旧址附近的宋王台公园,它记载了宋朝历史的最后一 幕,人们到此怀古之心油然而生。
  此外,夕阳西下青洲岛的景色青洲落照,风声浪涛交织的石澳风 ,汽车在港岛盘山公路上奔驰的飞车绝壁,春雨朦胧的石排烟雨等,也是今日香港美丽动人景色的写照。











Cities Overview

Nanjing is one of the four famous ancient capital and historical and cultural city. For thousands of years, surging Yangtze River is not only gave birth to the civilization of the Yangtze River, also gave birth to Nanjing this southern cities. Nanjing is China's national, regional center city (East China) [1], in east China's second largest city [2], Jiangsu Province, the largest city [3], the national historical and cultural city, national integrated transport hub, sub-provincial city, Jiangsu the provincial capital of an important national innovation base and innovative technology, modern service center, the modern service industry base and advanced manufacturing base, the Yangtze River shipping and logistics center, Riverside livable city, the Yangtze River Delta radiation important gateway city to drive the development of the central and western regions.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen once commented Nanjing: Nanjing, the ancient capital of China, in Beijing before. Its location is in a goodness of the region. To have the high mountains, deep water, and plain. The three kinds of Heavenly Zhong Yu a, Cheng hard to find a true nirvana in the metropolis. Nanjing both benefit from suffering another disaster in its unique geographical position and grace feng shui nirvana, in the past on several occasions in the disaster of being subjected to Bingxian restructuring bustling, but also often from the rubble along dirt. Another race and in the Central Plains occupied by the Han nationality is about to suffer a disaster, usually Han nationality will select Nanjing respite determined the Northern Expedition, to restore to China. Ming dynasty, the Republic of the second Northern Expedition success; the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xiao Liang, Liu Song Fan Northern Expedition ended in failure. The early Southern Song Dynasty, Li, ministers are meeting the limits for the Central Plains of the diagram of the significant Kuangfu, but unfortunately the Song Emperor has no intention to Northern Expedition while the line lies in Hangzhou, forced by public opinion is still given Jinling row. Even if the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Nanjing, are also to get rid of foreign rulers, the mobilization base and the legitimacy of one. Nanjing was the revival of the land of the Han have a special place in Chinese history and value.

Nanjing Tourism Bureau for the convenience of the tourists travel in Nanjing, in cooperation with the media the whole out of ten Nanjing quality tourist routes. Are: Six nostalgia tour, famous historical tour of Ming dynasty, Zheng He traces of tour, cultural tour of the Republic, religious and cultural tours, the Qinhuai style swim, science and education study tours, Riverside style swim, spa vacation travel, rural beauty of travel. In addition, as a 10 on behalf of the ancient capital of Nanjing, the culture very thick, although many ground relics vanished, but retained the old names are still people Reckoning endless, 2004 Nanjing has selected Nanjing Ten regret disappearance of the old names "sing by floor Anlesi, invited flute step, one hundred cats Square, Heng Fa Chuen, meridian Road, Phoenix TV, Rensiao, lucky Street, Akaishi Angeles the list. Nanjing Top 10 old names Wuyi Xiang, temples, Peach transition, Cheng Yin Street, Lung Poon, Confucius Temple, long dry, Xiao Lin Wei, Mo Road, Hu Ju Guan.


Terracotta Warriors

Terra Cotta Warriors (Terracotta, Army; Terra-cotta Figures; soldier and horse figures) is a category of sculpture of ancient tombs. Ancient implementation of martyrdom, slaves, slave owners during his lifetime accessories slaveholders after the death of slaves for the slave owners buried sacrificial lambs.The terracotta warriors and horses that is made the sacrificial lambs of the horses (chariots, horses, soldiers) shape.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses pit Horses of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, located in the cemetery to the east side at 1500 m. Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Horses ride west to east, the Sankeng a triangle shape. Figurines pit No. 1 is the first discovered, rectangular, east to west is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide from north to south, about five meters deep, with a total area of 14,260 square meters, surrounded by slopes Yue Mun Road, left and right sides each have one of terracotta warriors and horses pit, now known as 2 pit and on the 3rd hole. Figurines pit rational layout, peculiar structure of the bottom of the pit in about five meters deep, at intervals of 3 m to set up a thing to the load-bearing walls, terracotta warriors and horses arranged in the hole.

March 1974, when  the mausoleum East the West Yangcun villagers drought drilling wells in the tomb east of the next village and five garbage village between large-scale Terracotta Warriors and Horses pit excavations by archaeologists. only opened the treasures of 2000 years ago, the terracotta figures buried in the ground. In 1975 the state decided to establish a museum figurines pit on the site. October 1, 1979 Terracotta Warriors Museum to domestic and foreign visitors to display. 1:00 pm on June 13, 2009, the Terracotta Army Pit digging, and then in the middle of the North Pit, but also color terracotta warriors and horses unearthed.

Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Horses, is the world's largest underground military museum.

The Terracotta Army is the world's archaeological history of the greatest discoveries of. In 1978, former French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac after the visit, said: "With seven wonders of the world, the discovery of the terracotta figures, can be said that the Eight Wonders of the terracotta figures can not be considered to have been to China." Since then, the terracotta figures to be the world as the "eight Wonders of the three figurines pit has been excavated.

Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the State Council of the People's Republic of China Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum as a national cultural relics protection units. Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is the first comprehensive archaeological survey began. 1962, the archaeologists to map out the first cemetery layout map, upon detection, the cemetery range of 56.25 square kilometers, equivalent to nearly 78 Forbidden City, causing a stir in archaeological circles. 1987, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors pit was approved by the UNESCO as "World Heritage List, and known as" the world's eighth largest miracle ", the Qin terracotta warriors and horses proud of all the Chinese people, so that people around the world marvel.


In china: Beijing

In china: Beijing: Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, the central municipality, the China National Center City, Chinese politics, cult...


Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, the central municipality, the China National Center City, Chinese politics, culture, education and international exchange center.Beijing is located at the northern end of the North China Plain, south-east, and Tianjin is connected to the rest surrounded by Hebei Province. Beijing has 3000 years of city history and the history of 850 years of capital, is one of the four ancient capitals. A blend of Chinese culture since from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with many historical sites and cultural landscape, is a global world culture heritage largest city. Beijing is also one of the most rainfall in North China region. A long history of the International Institute for Higher University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, located in Beijing.


Beijing to become one of the vassal state of Zhou Dynasty, the capital of the Yan State in the Western Zhou Dynasty, China. Since Chinese Jin Dynasty, the ancient capital of China - are. Since the Yuan Dynasty, became the capital of the whole of China. Yuan Dynasty capital, Dadu, or most of Kublai Mongolian Khanate Khan, the Mongolian called "sweat Pali (Khanbaliq), meaning" sweat residence. The Dadu its city site is located in this urban area of ​​Beijing, north to Dadu City ruins, south Chang'an Avenue, East and West from the loop. Beijing after the Ming Dynasty since Chengzu large-scale expansion of Qing the continuation Ming Beijing on the basis of some renovation and expansion. To the late Qing, the largest city in the world at that time.

Beijing has 3000 years of city history and the history of 859 years of capital. Beijing area since the Qin and Han has been a military and commercial center of northern China, the name has referred to as the thistle City, Yan Du, Yanjing, Zhuojun, Youzhou, Nanjing, in both, most of the capital, Shuntian, Peking, Beijing. .

Urban areaBeijing area of ​​16,807.8 square kilometers. Built-up area of 1289.3 square km.

Climate and environment

Beijing's climate is typical of temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate, summer temperatures and rainy, cold and dry winter, short spring and autumn. 2007, for example, the annual average temperature of 14.0 ° C (Beijing Meteorological Bureau). -7 To -4 in January, July 25 to 26 ° C. Extreme minimum of -27.4 , extreme maximum 42 or more. Free period of 180-200 days, western mountainous shorter. 2007 the average annual rainfall of 483.9 mm, as one of the most rainfall in North China region. The seasonal distribution of precipitation is very uneven, 80% of the annual precipitation is concentrated in the three months of summer 6,7,8, heavy rain in July and August.

Financial Street

Financial functions as the capital of a large-scale overall orientation developed into over ten years of development, Financial Street has already become China's financial decision-making control center, asset management center, financial payment and settlement hub, financial center: Financial Street focus the People's Bank of China, China banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission China the highest financial decision-making and regulatory bodies, almost all major decisions about the Chinese financial deliberation, discussion and eventual formation. China's financial industry's most influential financial center area.

500 of the world
2010 "Fortune 500" 21 corporate headquarters are located in Beijing, four more than last year. Beijing topped the second of the global city, more than New York (18) and London (15) [11]. The total revenue of $ 13,614.07 one hundred million U.S. dollars, ranking the third of the global city. As of the end of 2007, "Fortune 500" companies set up offices in Beijing, a total of 447 "top 500 Chinese enterprises' headquarters is located in a total of 99 of the Beijing area.

Shopping district
Beijing is the only selected mainland cities of the world's 15 largest shopping, with hundreds of large and medium-sized shopping malls. Wangfujing Street, Qianmen Dashilan, Xidan Commercial Street is the traditional business district of Beijing; China World Shopping Mall, Oriental Plaza and Zhongguancun Square in recent years, new commercial hubs. If you are interested in antiques, to Liulichang or Panjiayuan Antique City stroll. If you have a soft spot for foreign trade clothing, it must not miss Xiushui Street and Yaxiu wholesale market. Cloisonne, jade, silk embroidery has a long history; folk arts and crafts, drunk people, Peking opera mask, kites, paper cutting and other inexpensive gifts to friends and relatives are a good gift.

Foreign exchange
Beijing increasing exchanges with countries in the world, the region's economic, trade, science and technology, education, culture and other fields. The friendly exchanges between government, civil and social organizations are very active. Beijing and 124 in the capital and largest city of the 72 countries have maintained friendly contacts, which has established friendly relations with 41 cities in 37 countries. Foreign students in reading 29452. 137 Beijing's existing foreign embassies, international organizations and regional representative bodies of 17, 190 foreign news organizations. Established in Beijing, foreign representative offices in Beijing has more than 7000, the world's largest 500 multinational companies have been 185 to Beijing to invest. Foreign students more than 17 000.

Tourist attractions
Beijing is the world's World Heritage (6) the largest city, is the world's first capital city with a world geological park. Beijing has rich tourism resources, the opening of the tourist attractions of the 200, the world's largest Imperial Palace The Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven of the Heaven Temple, Royal Garden North Sea, the imperial garden Summer Palace and Summer Palace, Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall and the World the largest courtyard Prince Gong's Mansion and other attractions. The city's total heritage 7309, 99 national key cultural relics protection units (including the Great Wall and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Beijing segment), 326 municipal units, five national geological parks, 15 national forest parks.Badaling Great Wall, the world cultural heritage: the top ten scenic spotsForbidden City, Great Wall, Zhoukoudian, the Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace,
 Ming Tombs
World Geopark:
Beijing Fangshan Geopark, (national scenic area)


Shanghai tourism Attractions

As of the end of 2010, the total A level scenic spot (point) 61, 5A-class areas (spots) 3, 4A level scenic areas (spots) 28, 3A-level scenic areas (spots) 30 [3]Festive events

Cultural festival in Shanghai

Shanghai International TV Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival, Shanghai International Arts Festival, Shanghai International Tourism Festival, the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival. Shanghai Television Festival is the founder of the first International Television Festival, founded in 1986. Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1993, is the International one of the nine Class A Film Festival, the highest award for the Jin Jue Award.

Shanghai Bund views

Has the world's food culture, classic fashion shopping passion and strong business atmosphere. Western brings together the flavors of more than 30 countries around the world, the Chinese mainland only a three-star Michelin restaurant on the Bund on the 18th. Lunch brought together almost all the local flavor, the famous old Temple, Yunnan Road, Huanghe Road, Xian Xia Road diet Cultural District. China Business First Street, Nanjing Road, the stylish and elegant Huaihai Road is a nationally known commercial street, the Super Brand Mall, Xujiahui's Grand Gateway huge, Nanjing West Road, Hang Lung Plaza, Citic Square, gathered top brands, fashion merchandise, the public goods etc. the list goes on. Commerce Street Fuzhou Road Cultural Street, Dongtai Lu Antique Street, Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street, Beijing East Road production Street, the Maoming South Road, culture and leisure street, the cuisine of the Yellow River Road Leisure Street, Zhapu Food Street, seven Pu Road Clothing Street Hengshan Road recreation Street Yunnan Road Food Street, the Street (2) the characteristics of commodity markets, the Tongchuan aquaculture market, military road Oriental International Aquatic Center Ten commercial center of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, Nanjing West Road, Commercial Street, Xujiahui, Huaihai Road Commercial Street, North Sichuan Road Commercial Street, Wujiaochang, Yuyuan Garden shopping district, the shopping district of Zhongshan Park, Pudong New Shanghai Commercial City shopping district (Lujiazui - First Yaohan) The new railway station that never sleeps, Star & Lo bright Shanghai is a glorious revolutionary history and tradition of the city, leaving the footsteps of countless revolutionaries and many revolutionary sites.

Landmark set (5) there have been known as "The Greatest City of the Far East" of the mega-cities, Shanghai has row upon row of skyscraper buildings, they are a symbol of Shanghai's downtown developed. Behind the modern, Shanghai Fengjing town and other monuments to show its own unique charm of the classical Jiangnan style. Shikumen neighborhood of the Bund Wada sub-Square is the most Shanghai-style Chinese and Western. Puxi Bund side by side with the building blocks of Western European classical style, because they are grand majestic, solemn, solid, luxurious decoration, patchwork, to form a school of majestic and impressive architectural landscape, known as "frozen music", with "International Architecture Exhibition "said. Shanghai is the best witness of modern China and modern, numerous ride the great man of history here has left a heavy sum, after years of fleeting architectural quietly tell the people a hundred years of vicissitudes .

Shanghai new eight
1, the bell (the Bund area), the Shanghai municipal government, the Bund The Bund Riverside area for large-scale transformation, not only intact original style of the Bund, and clever use of the flood prevention wall facilities in the new Riverside sightseeing platform, and the Shanghai People's Heroes Monument Bund History Museum, "Chen Yi Square," "musical fountain" of different styles of architectural pieces, and relief, and with a panoramic view of the architectural landscape lighting and large-scale art light show and the Huangpu River night. 2 the the Yuyuan Yayun (Yuyuan Garden Old City area) Yuyuan Garden tourist area is the birthplace of the Old Town of Shanghai in recent years, and gradually formed the Tourism Scenic Area of ​​the Yuyuan Garden, Yuyuan Tourist Mart, Temple, Yulong Square, Shanghai Old Street, etc., the folk technology, Shanghai snacks and national characteristics, the Shanghai native culture and folk culture in the rapid development of public festivals temple ground. Ferris Lansheng (Lujiazui area) Lujiazui reputation dry because it sounded the horn of the development of Pudong, but also because with the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Jinmao Tower, World Financial Center, the world-famous architecture and landscape, but also because in Lujiazui has many, such as the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, Shanghai Nature Wild Insect Museum, highly ornamental value and the value of the attractions. 4, Old Hui (Shikumen) Shikumen buildings area, including the Congress of the CCP and the new world, ten neon (ten miles from the Bund, Nanjing Road), west Yan'an Road. Nanjing Road is the road of Shanghai's most representative one, the the Sheshan pick Tsui (Sheshan Tourism Resort) She Shanjing District landscape beauty, the famous Sheshan Basilica, its level high, magnificent architecture, the Southeast Asian region a Cathedral, Sheshan landmark; Sheshan Observatory, built before Guangxu 24 years, is the construction of the first, one of the largest Hong Kong Observatory. 7, the Fengjing to find the painting (Fengjing town) Fengjing town, Chinese peasant painting village, the Central Dianhu show (Dianshan Lake tourist area) Zhujiajiao ancient town, the former residence of Chen Yun, Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai Grand View Garden, the Oriental Land, the sun Island Resort
Shanghai old Hakkei(1):, Shiliang Moonlight 2: Whampoa Qiutao 3: Jiang Gao Ji snow 4: Amidst the Wusong 5: Fung House, overlooking: Longhua Evening Bell: Horizon Rising Sun: Nowata Jianjia,

In china: Shanghai Cooperation Organization

In china: Shanghai Cooperation Organization: April 26, 1996, the five heads of state of China, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan held its first meeting in S...

Shanghai Cooperation Organization

April 26, 1996, the five heads of state of China, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan held its first meeting in Shanghai. Since then, the "Shanghai Five" meeting mechanism was established. June 14, 2001 to 15, the "Shanghai Five" summit held its sixth meeting in Shanghai, Uzbekistan to join the "Shanghai Five" complete equality identity. June 15, 2001, the six heads of state held its first meeting and signed the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization was founded the Universal Declaration of Shanghai Cooperation Organization was officially established.



Shanghai, also known as the "beach". China's largest city, one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, the China National Center City, China's economic, technological, industrial, financial, trade, exhibition and shipping center. Shanghai in China's mainland coastline Minister Eguchi, China's largest foreign trade port and the largest industrial base. Across the sea with the Japanese island of Kyushu, south of Hangzhou Bay, connecting the western and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Shanghai Port's cargo throughput and container throughput ranks first in the world. Shanghai is an emerging tourist city, there are profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments, organized died Fair. The southern tradition and immigration into the cultural integration, and gradually formed a unique Shanghai culture. Shanghai has already become an international metropolis, and is committed to develop into an international financial and shipping center in 2020.
Shanghai Introduction
Referred to as the "Shanghai", known as "Shen", located in China's long coastline the middle, the third longest river in the world, Asian rivers - the Yangtze River estuary, as well as the geographic center of the group in the Asia-Pacific cities. Shanghai city area of ​​6340 square kilometers; the end of 2010, the Shanghai urban population accounted for 89.3% of the population, the level of urbanization ranks first; population density of 3631 people per square kilometer, the country's most densely populated city; its resident population of 2302 million, of which a population of 14.12 million Shanghai Ji, China's largest industrial and commercial port city, is also one of the world's most populous city. Shanghai has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. January and February the coldest minimum temperature of -5 to -8 ° C, usually in August the hottest maximum temperature of 35 -38 . [1] Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published the "2011 China city competitiveness blue book: China Urban Competitiveness Report that the" Blue Book in domestic cities, second only to Hong Kong, the second highest (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Taipei, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Kaohsiung, Dalian, Qingdao). In the 2011 global city ranking fifth and fifteenth in Beijing, Shanghai twentieth, the three cities to enter the world top 20.

        After the Opium War of 1840 almost all the important coastal port city by strong provision of concession or completely ceded, Shanghai is no exception. In 1842, the British imperialists forced the Qing government signed the Treaty of Nanking, Shanghai as one of the five treaty ports. After the United States and French imperialism in Shanghai have also strong provision of Concession, thenShanghai city image videos brutal imperialism of all kinds of predatory sea as a "paradise for adventurers". But at the same time because of the concession to provide the public from the reactionary government, warlords and the invasion of the history of the war to disturb the relative freedom of a safe environment, coupled with the convenience of the free trade port, making Shanghai the national industry to the rapid development.

To free and open environment has also attracted the merchants of the country and the world noble men of letters revolutionaries kinds of people the massive influx to the early 20th century, Shanghai has become the economic and cultural center as well as financial and trading center in Asia. 1927 set up a special city. Is now one of the four municipalities in China. Shanghai City standard is composed of three triangular pattern of the city flower of Magnolia, sand, and the propeller through the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee examined and adopted in 1990. Triangles like the propeller of the ship, a symbol of Shanghai is a city to continue moving forward; pattern center sailing sand, is the oldest ship in Shanghai Port, it is a symbol of Shanghai is a historic port city, showing a brilliant future ; the background of the sand is bathed in the early spring bloom Magnolia.
Economic development
1949, Shanghai was the financial center of Far East regardless of the size of stocks, gold, foreign exchange and financial markets all Lujiazui International Financial City ranked first in Asia. Shanghai is the world's second largest futures exchange center, second only to Chicago; the world's largest spot gold trading center; the world's second largest diamond spot trading center, one of the world's top three non-ferrous metal pricing center.
In the Global Urban Competitiveness Report "published by the Academy of Social Sciences in 2010, Shanghai in China after Hong Kong, located in Taipei, the three cities to enter the world's top 50. Shanghai China Exhibition, show the number of ranks first Exhibition total annual income accounted for nearly 50%. Shanghai is the sports capital of the world, the world's highest level of individual Permanent event almost all settled in Shanghai, F1, the IAAF Diamond League the ATP1000 Tennis Masters snooker Masters, HSBC Golf World Championship, open year-round in Shanghai station, so the scale of intensive international competitions, disdain for the whole of Asia. Financial market as China's first financial center, Shanghai, covering almost all Chinese financial market factors: the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Futures Exchange, the Chinese financial exchange, diamond exchange, gold exchange, Petroleum Exchange, the property rights trading Shipping Exchange, financial derivatives exchange, inter-bank bond market, the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center, the Chinese capital lending market, the operations center of the national gold reserves, the country's foreign exchange reserves Operations Center, Shanghai liquidation (liquidation distribution center in the People's Bank of China) the People's Bank of China headquarters in Shanghai (Bank of Credit System Center, check throttle data processing center), China's four major banks (Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, ICBC, CCB) Shanghai headquarters, major foreign banks in the Greater China headquarters, the Chinese anti-money laundering funds monitoring Center, Bank of Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate, the China Insurance Exchange
Urban construction
In 2011 the latest one, The World 's Best Skylines global skyscraper city ranking, Shanghai ranked third in the world, second only to Hong Kong, New York. Shanghai is a highly cosmopolitan city, the annual foreign tourist accommodation in the Chinese mainland in recent years to strengthen scientific and technological habit, patent applications and granted perennial among the first in the National Urban In addition, Shanghai is also committed to the objectives of the international tourist city, the year 2010, foreign exchange income from international tourism are listed first in the major cities, Disneyland will be opened in Shanghai in 2015 welcoming.
TelevisionShanghai is the birthplace of the modern Asian film. Shanghai's French Concession, a small cafe in the 1870s playing the Asian films in the 1930s, Shanghai's large bright cinemas of Asia's first sound film. 1949 years ago, China's film industry basically concentrated in Shanghai, while the producer the film companies in Shanghai, a total of about 200. Shanghai Film Group is currently the most profitable film company in China, and 2008 profits (216 million), equivalent to nearly 20 times China Film (015 million). In 2001, China's first IMAX cinema in Shanghai, IMAX's regional headquarters in Shanghai.